What Is Basic Philosophy of Yoga?

The yoga philosophy is very simple. It concentrates on the good health of a person. Yoga covers every aspect of the human health whether it is mental, physical, psychology or emotional. The inventors of this ancient science understood the significance of a healthy human being from both mind and body. It has several methods which are very helpful in giving us a wonderful and well-endowed soul and body. Along with this, there are several yoga postures which intended at giving us a happy and healthy mind. On the other hand, a few yoga postures are specifically designed to cure different internal ailments of human body and make the internal organs brawl and strong.

There are some basic and famous philosophies regarding yoga; one of them is the Sankhya philosophy which assigns 3 main functions to the mental strength; Buddhi (the intelligence), Mana (the mind) and Mithya Jnana (the false knowledge).

Philosophy of Yoga

Yoga describes Manato and Chitta similar to a lake, which is basically calm and peaceful but whose central tranquility is indistinct by several thin surface waves. The philosophy of Sankhya states that there are only 2 techniques of disturbing this peacefulness and inspiring patterns of ideas, it is through Pramana (wisdom perceptions) and when our Smriti (remembrance) gets stimulated.

The principle of yoga philosophy is unified to the certainty that there is no such component present beyond the mind and consciousness. The chief idea of this philosophy is to excavate the confusion the presence of superficial realities from the minds of natives. It is supposed that there is a possibility to achieve the stage of self-realization by the right practice of yogic course using a meditation that comes with a complete exclusion from any other erroneous sources of information and abolishes the sense of peacefulness and calmness.


Irrespective of the history of Patanjali, the Yoga Sutras are an imperative portion of the philosophy of yoga. The 196 yoga sutras, or yoga threads, are categorized into four sections:

Contemplation or Samadhi Pada- It explains the objective of yoga in a theoretical form, this purpose being to reach a constant state of the enlightenment Samadhi.

Spiritual Practice or Sadhana Pada- It explains techniques of practice to achieve the yogic goal of Samadhi.

Accomplishments or Vibhuti Pada – It explains the sixth, seventh and eighth limbs of yoga.

Absoluteness or Kaivalya Pada- It explains the construction of mind and how it covers the inner self.

For more information: https://www.yogateacherstrainingrishikesh.com

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